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Friday, April 10, 2015

Hummus - Indianized Version

The Middle-Eastern dip made with chickpeas and tahini (sesame paste) is a healthy, flavorful, and a versatile dish. It is a very simple appetizer to prepare ahead of time or even in the nick of time, and goes great with chips, vegetables, and as a spread on toast.

Loaded with protein and bursting with the tangy and refreshing flavor of lemon, this Indianized version includes onion, garlic, cumin, coriander, and cilantro.

Ingredients (makes a batch for 8-10):
  1.  4 cups cooked chickpeas
  2. 1 cup white sesame seeds
  3. The juice of 4 lemons, or as needed
  4. The zest of 1 lemon
  5. 1 medium-big red onion, chopped
  6. 4 cloves of garlic
  7. 1.5 tablespoons cumin powder / jeera powder
  8. 1 tablespoon coriander powder
  9. 1/4 cup olive oil
  10. 1/4 cup sesame oil
  11. salt, as needed
  12. 1/2 cup cilantro
  1. In a blender/food processor, roughly grind onion and garlic pods
  2. Add cooked chickpeas and pulse until everything breaks down
  3. Add sesame seeds and sesame oil and olive oil, and grind by slowly adding lemon juice to get the blender going and mixing everything. 
  4. Add more oil and/or lemon juice, as needed to bring the hummus to the right consistency. 
  5. Finally add cilantro and pulse 
  6. Mix the spices and lemon zest to the hummus - salt, cumin powder and coriander powder and mix.
  7. Before serving drizzle a little olive oil on top so the hummus doesn't dry out

Serve with pita chips

Variation: Add roasted vegetables, particularly roasted red bell pepper for a flavorful variation

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