Recipe Index:

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Eggplant & Lemon Risotto

There is nothing better than a creamy and cheesy risotto on a cold day. Well, there are other dishes that come to mind, but warm risotto definitely tops the list!

This version comes from the book Plenty. However, since I am incapable of following recipes, I adapted the basic idea of using lemon and eggplants in risotto. Thanks to the book, I also learned the real trick to making creamy takes more work, but is worth it!

Adapted from Plenty

Ingredients: (serves 4-6):
  1.  2 medium eggplants, chopped
  2. 1 red onion, finely chopped
  3. 3 garlic cloves minced
  4. 7 ounces arborio rice
  5. 4 cups vegetable stock - heated
  6. 1/2 tablespoon minced rosemary
  7. The grated zest of 1 lemon
  8. the juice of 2 lemons
  9. 2 tablespoons butter
  10. 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
  11. freshly cracked black pepper, as needed
  12. salt, as needed
  13. olive oil, as needed to saute/fry eggplants - up to 1/4 cup
  1. Heat olive oil and fry the eggplant in batches until cooked and slightly browned. The eggplants tend to sponge up the oil, so drain on paper towels, if needed
  2. In another pan, heat butter. When melted, saute onion until translucent. 
  3. Add garlic and rosemary cook for another 1 minute
  4. On medium heat, add the rice and fry for a few seconds to coat with the onion and garlic
  5. Slowly add 1-2 ladles of the hot stock to the rice and keep continuously mixing until the stock is absorbed. Repeat this process by adding the stock in small batches until all the stock is added to the rice, and the rice is cooked and creamy.
  6. Remove from heat, and add lemon zest and lemon juice, salt, pepper, and eggplant and mix well. 
  7. Finally mix in paramesan cheese and serve
A very creamy and flavorful dish!

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