Recipe Index:

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Indian Vegetable Sides: Swiss Chard Masiyal

Leafy greens are plenteous in any tropical place, and India is no exception. It teems with a mind-boggling array of herbs and greens, each of which has some medicinal and nutritious value. So, fresh greens are a common vegetable side that features in our meals. In this version, fresh leafy greens are pureed, cooked, and spiced with red chillies, coconut, cumin, and some black gram to make a delicious side that is extremely nutritious.

I have used chard to prepare this masiyal, but you can substitute it with any greens.

Ingredients (serves 4):
  1. 1 bunch of red Swiss Chard, ribs and stalks removed and roughly chopped (or any greens of your choice)
  2. 1 teaspoon grated jaggery
  3. salt, as needed
  4. 2 dry red chillies (add more for a spicier version)
  5. 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  6. 1/4 cup grated coconut
  7. 1 teaspoon rice flour
  8. 1 teaspoon split, husked black gram / urad dal / ulutham paruppu
  9. 1/4 teaspoon hing
  10. 1/2 tablespoon oil
  1.  Grind the chard leaves with a sprinkling of water to make a puree. It doesn't have to be totally smooth - the texture is up to you. 
  2. Add the ground chard to a sauce pan, drizzle in 1/4 cup of water if it is too thick, toss in the jaggery and cook the greens on low-medium heat until it is not raw and changes color to a brownish-green color. Season with salt.
  3. Meanwhile, grind red chillies, coconut, and cumin seeds with a sprinkling of water to make a paste. Add this paste to the cooked greens and mix well and simmer for 5-7 minutes. 
  4. If the masiyal is a little runny, mix rice flour in water to make a paste. Whisk this paste to the masiyal and simmer for 5 minutes until it thickens. Remove from heat. 
  5. Heat oil in a small pan. When hot, add black gram and saute with hing until the gram begins to change color. Add this tempering to the masiyal and mix well. 
Serve alongside rice, quinoa or roti for a flavorful and healthy side.

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