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Monday, September 22, 2014

Eggless Apples & Berries Cobbler

September is nearing its end, and some of us are still in denial that Summer is over and 2014 is in its last quarter. But, as with most things in life, the only available choice is to embrace the present and do the best with it. 

Fall is a lovely season of its own - especially where I live. The leaves morph into bright, fiery colors, the weather takes on a crisp, manageable chill, and together, the colors and the clean, cool air brighten my spirits, if only for a few moments per day. 

So, embracing the weather, and our love for Nature, we went apple and berry picking at a local orchard/farm, and had a lovely time roaming through the rows upon rows of immaculately grown trees, and plucking several different varieties of alluring apples straight from the trees. Now, we have enough apples to last us for weeks!

Since it had been a while since I baked, I made some cobbler with the fresh fruits. It makes a comforting Fall dessert.

Ingredients (serves 6):
  1. 2 cups of mixed berries - I used blueberries and raspberries
  2. 2 cups of peeled and chopped apples - I used honeycrisp apples
  3. 1 stick of unsalted butter
  4. 1.25 cups of all-purpose flour
  5. 1 cup of sugar
  6. 1 tablespoon baking powder
  7. pinch of salt
  8. 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  9. 1 cup milk
  10. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
To sprinkle on top:
  1. 1/2 cup sugar
  2. 1/2 - 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (I used about 3/4 teaspoon)
  1. Mix the fruits with lemon zest and keep separately
  2. Preheat the oven to 375 F. 
  3. Place butter in a 9 by 13 inch baking dish and place in the oven for a few minutes until the butter melts. 
  4. Meanwhile, mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt evenly. Pour in the milk and mix until just combined. Add vanilla extract and gently mix
  5. When the butter is melted, remove the pan and add 1/2 of the prepared batter on top of the butter. Mix gently. Add the fruits on top in even layers. 
  6. Pour the remaining batter on top of the fruits, trying to cover as much of the fruits as possible. 
  7. Mix 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2-1 teaspoon cinnamon to make cinnamon sugar. Sprinkle this on top evenly and bake for 45-50 minutes until browned on top

Remove from oven and serve slightly warm with a dollop of ice-cream if you would life. 

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