Recipe Index:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Honey Dew & Watermelon Sorbet with Cardamom

Just a few more weeks of summer left! As much as I love Fall, I miss bright sunshines, different colored birds hopping in the yard, and fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and the greens all around. With a thunder-storm every other day, all the colors just look so much brighter to my eyes.

Before summer slips out, I wanted to post this simple sorbet recipe. Sorbets and granitas have been popular choices in the freezer this summer. And this particular sorbet was something I threw together on impulse, more than a month ago. Its simple and refreshing flavors are ideal after a heavy or spicy meal. Since we are fans of honey dew and cantaloupe, and of course, watermelon, we loved this sorbet. Honeydew and watermelon are sweet by themselves, but since I have insatiable people with sweet tooth (teeth, rather), I added some simple syrup made with palm sugar. The guilt level zooms down when I pull out palm sugar, and everything is well with the Universe!

And talking about low-calorie frozen treats, this sorbet really hits home!

Ingredients (serves 4-5):
  1. 2 cups diced honey dew 
  2. 2 cups diced watermelon
  3. 1/2 cup palm sugar
  4. 1.5 teaspoons powdered cardamom
  5. the grated zest of 1/2 an orange
  1. Prepare a simple syrup by dissolving 1/2 cup palm sugar in 1/2 cup water in a sauce-pan, over medium heat. When the sugar has dissolved, continue to boil for 5 more minutes. Then remove from heat and cool completely. 
  2. When cool, grind the fruits with the simple syrup and orange zest. Add cardamom and give another blitz. 
  3. Pour the mixture in a ceramic/freezer safe tray or box and freeze. Remove the mixture every 30 minutes and using a hand blender blend and whip, breaking down the ice crystals. You can also scrape and put the mixture in a blender, but I lacked the patience to scrape. Repeat blending/ whipping for about 4 times with 30 minute intervals. Then let the sorbet freeze for a couple more hours, until you are ready to scoop and it's frozen to your liking. If the sorbet sits in the freezer for more than 8 hours, return the tray to the fridge for about 30 minutes before serving, so that it thaws a little and can be scooped easily.
You can dust more cardamom or sprinkle some orange zest before serving. 

A light, refreshing, cooling, flavorful icy treat. 

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