Recipe Index:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I have been introducing my parents to different fruits, vegetables, and other foods/dishes that are unique to them. My mother was curious about avocados because she had heard of them in India, and was aware that they are healthy and nutritious. So, I got a bag of avocados and made some guacamole for them to try. 

I was heartened that they both enjoyed the guacamole. My mom especially loved it! She appreciated the flavor of avocado and therefore, the zesty flavors of guacamole. 

So, here's the simple mix of ingredients I add to prepare guacamole. I love the combination of lime and avocados, so I liberally use lime juice and lime zest to flavor guacamole.

Ingredients (serves 6-8):
  1. 4 Avocados, seeded and diced
  2. juice of 3.5 - 4 limes (my general rule of thumb for guacamole is the juice of 1 lime for every avocado added, but depending on the tartness of the limes add accordingly)
  3. grated zest of 2 limes
  4. salt as needed
  5. 1 teaspoon paprika, or as needed
  6. 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  7. 1.25 cups red onion, finely chopped  
  8. 1 tomato, seeded and finely chopped
  9. some cilantro, finely chopped for garnish (optional)
  1. Add the juice of 1 lime to every avocado (that's diced) and gently mash/mix in. Repeat with each diced avocado and taste to check tartness. 
  2. To the avocados, gently mix in lime zest, garlic, onion, tomato, salt and paprika. Taste and adjust seasonings. 
  3. Finally garnish with some lime zest, paprika and cilantro for a finishing flourish

Let the guacamole rest for 10 minutes for the flavors to mingle before serving. Serve as a dip for tortilla chips, pita chips, or just about any chips. We also use this as a spread on bread and pita. 

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