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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Creamy Avocado Chocolate Milkshake

My family is not into celebrations of any kind. However, I wanted to make an exception today, in a simple way. So, to celebrate Father's day in a small but memorable way, I thought of making some avocado chocolate pudding. I thought it would be as easy as pulsing avocados with some cocoa powder and sprinkling some zero calorie sweetener to make a truly healthy, flavorful, sugar-free dessert that all of us could enjoy without any guilt. But, in my enthusiasm, I either added too many avocados or too much cocoa powder, because what turned out to be a luscious looking buttery pudding had an unpleasant and bitter after taste that disappointed me. Wondering how to fix the buttery bitter-chocolate without adding  lots of sugar, I started adding one thing after another and ended up with a decent creamy milkshake!

The milkshake is not completely sugar-free, but it is still low in sugar and (I think) a much healthier substitute to regular creamy milkshake. 

This is not so much as a recipe as it is a record of my memory of spending Father's day with my wonderful father.

So, here's how I ended up with this milkshake. I pulsed together 4 avocados (pitted) with a "few" tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder (I added about 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder). I then added 1 apple (peeled and diced), some 2% milk (depending on the consistency of your liking), 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons honey, and "some" (about 1/4 cup) Hershey's chocolate syrup (so much for aspiring for a sugar-free dessert!) and blended everything together. I then chilled the milkshake and served. These quantities (if you can call them that), generously serve 5 people.

My husband and my mom added more chocolate syrup to their milkshake to make it more sweeter. But, even without the extra sugar, it was a good milkshake that was buttery and chocolatey.

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