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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pumpkin-Chocolate Pie

This was my Thanksgiving Pie attempt - a creamy pumpkin chocolate pie. Everything tastes better with chocolate, doesn't it? I find it true especially with this pie because I don't seem to be a fan of pumpkin. 

This was an easy to make pie that was prepared using this recipe. I substituted ginger-snaps (ginger cookies) for the traditional graham-crackers to prepare the crust. But upon experimentation, I would suggest sticking to the graham-crackers. The ginger-snaps make the crust a little hard at first and then consequently, soggy. Secondly, I didn't go choco-crazy with triple layers of chocolate. I added bittersweet chocolate to the pie batter and skipped baking the crust with chocolate and drizzling milk-chocolate on top. And I was a little heavy-handed with the spices - especially nutmeg ;). 

I recommend trying this pie. It is mildly sweet, creamy, chocolatey, and spicy with just a hint of pumpkin flavor.

Notes on pie-baking:
I learned that over-beating or over-mixing the creamy pie batter results in air bubbles that leave cracks and "holes" on top of the pie while baking. Let the beaten batter rest until the bubbles subside, and then pour into the plate and bake.

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