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Sunday, September 2, 2012

German Chocolate Cake

I don't think I will ever run out of the wide spectrum of chocolate cakes and chocolate-based desserts. In keeping with tradition, I baked a German Chocolate cake recently. I have never had german chocolate cake before, but I have had the icecream version. I'm not a big fan of coconut and chocolate, but the cake turned out with a good balance between the two. I used this recipe as the base, and adapted it to make just two layers of chocolate cake (instead of three layers), and the creamy coconut-pecan filling. The filling recipe is straight forward and accurate. I didn't change anything except to use low-fat evaporated milk. 

I was quite excited about using special german chocolate for this cake (I used Baker's german chocolate bar), because I expected the chocolate to taste distinctly different. But there didn't seem to be anything different about german chocolate... in fact, I thought it wasn't as chocolately as Ghiradelli's dark chocolate bars. Still, the cake was extremely moist and mildly sweet. The filling/frosting makes up for the sweetness quotient. 

With a dusting of german chocolate
 The chocoholic husband approved this cake and recommends it. 

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