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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes

In the spirit of Easter, I thought I would make a few chocolate truffles for neighbors and friends. All my plans were muddled when my slightly "innovative" Ganache never firmed up to make the truffle balls. Unsure of what to do with a big bowl of gooey chocolate, I searched for baking ideas and landed on this. I had always wanted to make these cupcakes, so I took this random opportunity to bake them. Instead of using chocolate syrup (Hershey's) I used the Ganache on hand (which was basically 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips melted with a cup of hot cream, and spiked with a few tablespoons of Bailey's Irish Cream), to both bake the cupcakes and frost some of them. The recipe itself is straightforward and easy to remember. I will return to these cupcakes for many more occasions.

The cupcakes were fantastic! They were incredibly moist and soft. Due to my substitution, they didn't rise much, so they turned into cute itty-bitty cupcakes! The chocoholic at home was quite happy with the turn of events.


  1. The only part of this post that makes no sense to me is "unsure of what to do with a big bowl of chocolate" :)

    (Must try these.. and I'm hoping your blog doesn't eat up my comments again)

  2. As in, I didn't know what else to do other than lick the stuff every few minutes ;)
    You should try these... easy and delish!

    The blog is eating up comments?! How greedy and foolish of it to swallow the precious few :P

  3. What else to say but - droooooooooooool :) wish I was there to try these !!! :P

  4. Thanks Aparna! Yeah, wish I could send some over!


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