Recipe Index:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Potato-Chip Cookies

When I read the title of this cookie-recipe, I experienced a mix of feelings - amazement, fascination, excitement, curiosity, and several others while a voice was trying to force some discipline to not indulge in potato chips baked in buttery, sugary cookie-dough. But today, I really had to try it out. Baking can be a serious addiction. I was immensely curious of how the cookies would taste.

I'll cut to the chase and state that the cookies were wonderful! They tasted just as I'd imagined they would and even better. This is surely one of the most unique cookies I have come across - a beautiful mix of sweet and savory. It's surely a stroke of genius.

The only tweak I made to the recipe was to add peanuts instead of pecans.  And frankly, I think peanuts and potatoes are a better combination. One simple batch yields almost 32 cookies! It's great that I can bake to satisfy my curiosity, and distribute most of the calories to a lab-full of eager and stressed grad-students ;).


  1. Huh! I would never have conjured this one up! Exact mix of feelings mentioned!

  2. Try it out - it's pleasantly good!


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