Recipe Index:

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Spiced Maple Butter Cookies

This year's Christmas cookies come from this lovely recipe. It has lots of butter (a sure sign that things can't go wrong), sugar, flour, egg, maple syrup, nutmeg, and cardamom powder. I went heavy handed and added a generous teaspoon of nutmeg and cardamom powder each. Prepare the dough, chill it, roll it, cut out shapes, bake for 9-10 minutes at 350 F. Allow cookies to cool and decorate them with a very light icing. This cookie is best on its own; for that is when the maple and nutmeg flavors (not to mention the buttery aroma) are best tasted and enjoyed. So, don't crowd the cookies with icing, like I did with some.

The icing that I used consisted of whipping the below ingredients to a smooth consistency:
3/4 cup confectioners sugar
2 teaspoons of milk
1.5 teaspoons of maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
some food coloring

Merry Christmas!


  1. I've never tasted maple syrup - although I was in the US somehow I managed to evade it... shld try at some point.

    lol! rem the Friends episode where Ross eats too much maple candy?? Haha!

  2. Yep, I was reminded of it when I was making it :). Haha :)

    You should surely try maple syrup at some point!


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