Recipe Index:

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Apple Latkes

After a conference, our lab was overflowing with extra bundles of Gala apples. After eating apples, drinking apple milkshakes, we were again getting a little tired. So, I collected a few apple recipes and intended to carry out at least one of them. And now, I did. This particular recipe for Apple Latkes sounded very different and interesting, not to mention easy, so that was today's evening snack. I thought I would follow the recipe as is, but both of us felt like trying a savory version. So, here are the steps I followed:

1. I used 3 medium gala apples, simply because it was the only kind I had. I (Anand) cored them and grated them. Squeezed the juices out of them and tossed them in lemon juice (similar to the recipe)
2.  I mixed all-purpose flour, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of chilli powder, a pinch of nutmeg, and a teaspoon of baking powder. I tossed the apples in this, and then mixed them with a tablespoon of curd (instead of egg). Yogurt helps as a binding agent as well.
3. I heated a little bit of butter along with some extra virgin olive oil, and pan fried spoons of the apple batter (similar to the original recipe).

Drain the excess oil and serve! The latkes had a unique flavor - they were sweet, tangy, and savory. I suspect this will work even better with Granny Smith apples, and even more better if the original sweet recipe is followed. Either way, it made for a unique evening snack! It was sort of like apple pancakes.

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