Recipe Index:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jeera Cheddar Cookies

As a child, I used to love the melt-in-your-mouth butter biscuits. Later, I grew up and butter-biscuits grew out of my reach, but its cousin, jeera biscuits, became my favorite. Good for me, Anand loves it too, and always asks for them. So I always look for an opportunity to make them, with slight variations here and there.

This time, I tried this alluring recipe to make shortbread jeera cookies. I’ve tried both the fruity and savory versions of the shortbread cookies twice, and they have come out really well both times - especially the orange cookies - yum! The only minor changes I made to the savory version were - I skipped the thyme, added shredded cheddar instead of Parmesan cheese, and went heavy on the jeera - I added about 3 teaspoons. The thyme does add a nice aroma to the cookies, though.

It seems like this blog is more about recording recipes from a ton of sources, than coming up with innovative recipes of my own! It’s turning into a tribute to all these wonderful sources! Oh well, I’ll need more time to experiment a little more. Since most of the dishes I make are usually to entertain or to whip up something within a constrained time period, I really don’t feel like experimenting anything in that frenzied state.

Anyway, the recipe is quite perfect. It results in cookies that are crumbly, cheesy and cumin-y! The best part is, it envelops the whole house with the lovely aroma of butter and toasted cumin!


  1. I still love those butter biscuits that you generally used to get only in small tea shops! You know I don't ever remember coming across jeera biscuits?! Should try these!

    U seem to be baking/cooking something different almost every other day! Sometimes I get frustrated that I cannot cook/bake much because there is no one to eat them here!! Both myself and Ajay are poor eaters that already half the time we end up wasting food, I don't go out to work-so I don't have colleagues to share with, most of Ajay's colleagues are kinda lame(!) and I don't even know my neighbours!!

  2. Ah, those butter biscuits. I might try and make a small batch of those if I find the recipe. Jeera biscuits are called by some other names in the bakery I think. But they are usually handed out during tea-times.

    Haha, I go into phases with cooking/baking. I eat cereal and bread if I'm by myself :). Since we have a good circle of friends and colleagues, I'm never worried about wasting food :). And Anand eats anything I make and never wastes food! And never gains weight!


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